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VST3 Spire Synth Crash


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On 2/13/2025 at 2:55 AM, David Baay said:

Not sure how you reached that conclusion. Admittedly I don't normally do a lot of synth automation but I have a number of projects that do, and they are working fine and have been for years. As a sanity check, I also just added some filter and LFO automation to the Spire VST3 test that I created for my reponse to the OP in this thread and it's working fine as well. The Serum demo only installs the VST2 so I can't test that one. I see that CW Support is looking into your issue with Serum. Somehow I doubt the reponse will be "Sorry, we haven't been fully supporting VST3 for the last 10 years but we'll get right on it."

I kind of liked the results of my test so I'm attaching it for your listening pleasure.


I envy your environment where you can use automation without any issues.

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16 hours ago, Amberwolf said:


Most people just call it "busy" and don't seem to like it; I've tried to make simpler stuff but I always want to add more...and more...and everything I hear in the song makes me hear new things, and I want to put *them* in too, and so on....



What I like best is the fact that you don't care whether it's well received or not. I find that impressive... you don't have to be validated by the sheep. It's unbelievable how productive you are. So many projects and they are all elaborately created. I will gradually listen to more pieces. Maybe the soft synth “Sublab” could provide even more power in the lower frequency range

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6 hours ago, Astraios said:

What I like best is the fact that you don't care whether it's well received or not. I find that impressive... you don't have to be validated by the sheep.

Well, I *do* care, in that i want everyone to hear it and want them to like it...but I can't really just make the stuff someone else wants to hear...then it would be their music, not mine.  ;)

I hear what i hear, and do what i do, and taht's the music i make.   It's not really traditional songs...it's more like what i call it--"motion picture scenes"--the stuff you might hear in the background of a scene in a movie.  Sometimes i have a particular thing in mind when making it, somtimes i don't and am jus tplaying wiht sounds, carving a sonic sculpture out of the noise.

Same thing weith other art that i've made, but i don't relaly have time for any of that anymore...the music i don'thave a choice in; i have to do that, or explode. :lol:  




6 hours ago, Astraios said:

It's unbelievable how productive you are. So many projects and they are all elaborately created. I will gradually listen to more pieces.

I have too much going on in my head all the time; too many bad memories so can't sleep well or long, so i end up having to lay in bed resting most of the time when i'm not at my dayjob, so that i can work enough to keep that job....so when i can't sleep i am doing one or another of the many things that keep my mind from exploding; music is the most "core" of those, that i could do "in my sleep" as it were...the one thing that i don't think i could live wihtout doing.   

there's music running in my head all the time, and sometimes i can stick some of it on the computer in one form or antoher so that other people can hear it.  Most of the time I can't translate what i hear into real sounds; I either don't know how  or more often the sounds I hear when I try to do it cause me to hear *different* music and I end up making that instead.   

I also like to just "push buttons" on synths and fx to see what they do, and sometimes end up with a piece of...music... based around that.  Sometimes it's garbage even to me, sometimes it's nifty.   sometimes i make something that's garbage at the time but i go back later and randomly listen to it and hear something in it i can work with--tha'ts how Just Give Me A Voice got created (in the Lies, Truth, and Assorted Inconveniences album on bandcamp) becuase i'd played in a garbage guitar track on the 6string bass to a crappy drummachine track...but i needed something to play wiht an idea so i picked that one and ended up after many hours of work with a winner.   it's not perfect, there's still two spots i would like to fix but can't figture out what to do with...but it's "good".  


6 hours ago, Astraios said:

Maybe the soft synth “Sublab” could provide even more power in the lower frequency range

Most people seem to think there is already too much down there.   To me in most of my projects it already sounds about right, but i do'nt have a subwoofer***.  one guy on another forum was yelling at me about havint too much bass....  :(

but i'll take a look around to see what sublab is.   (if it's free, i can afford it, otherwise...i already spent all the money i can for a while)


***well, not a useful one; it's an ancient altec lansing computer sound system sub..i have a better one from a vizio soundbar set but it's wireless only and only pairs wiht it's original soundbar which i never had...if I could find an audio input pin on any of the circuitry inside i'd just run a hardware wired connector...but hever found any docs on the chip inside, and suspect it's a one-piece thing that can only get it's audio over the proprietary encoded wifi connection)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/10/2025 at 11:11 PM, Astraios said:

Hello - I could use some help... it's about a VST3 plugin, more specifically my favorite softsynth Spire from Reveal. For a few days now I can no longer load this plugin as VST3 without a crash. The VST2 version is okay. I've been racking my brain as to why it doesn't work and trying all sorts of things. I've been working with Sonar/Cakewalk for about 15 years and am pretty well versed when it comes to DAWs. I don't remember changing anything majorly recently. The other 230 VSTs don't cause any problems. Maybe someone has an idea? I would be happy...






I'm very surprised because I haven't had any problems with Spire or my setup in the last few months



I finally solved my Spire VST3 trouble by newing my Focusrite Drivers and changed  the Driver Model from Wasapi to Asio in Sonar Preferences

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On 2/11/2025 at 9:36 PM, David Baay said:

Not seeing a problem with the demo VST3 I installed relatively recently - v 1.5.17 build 5324.

I finally solved my Spire VST3 trouble by newing my Focusrite Drivers and changed  the Driver Model from Wasapi to Asio in Sonar Preferences.

Thank you for take care and support my troubles

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