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Midi Bounce to clip(s) truncates clips to last & first Note OR avoiding multiple midi clips

Roy Slough


I do a lot of editing of midi in the PRV, drums & bass mostly. As I add and remove notes to an existing clip it often results in multiple clips of varying lengths
e.g. add in few bass notes will create a new clip but with blank (no notes) to the end of the existing clip.

When I select all these together and bounce to clip(s)  it merges all the notes & truncates all the clips to the first and last note. It is this truncation which can cause me problems. If I do not notice that the clip is short by maybe a 16th or 32nd, when I copy & paste or duplicate the clip everything can be slightly out of time.

Now, each time I "bounce to clip(s)" I zoom in check if the clip is now short, extend the end if necessary, and zoom out again.  Lots of zooming in & out extend etc.
Is there a method to retain the overall length when bouncing OR better still, how do I avoid creating these multiple clips when adding/editing midi notes? 



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