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Cakewalk Sonar Midi Arpegiator Questions, please help

FJ Lamela

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While I have no complaints about the operation of the arpeggiator (midi), there is something I don't quite understand.

How is it possible that I can't find a way to create new patterns and add them to the existing ones?

It would be logical that from the step sequencer it could be exported as a pattern for the arpeggiator, or failing that add some option to be able to add new content.
If you are forced to use only the default patterns of the internal arpeggiator and to create new ones you are forced to use an external arpeggiator (blue arp for example) then the included arpeggiator would not make much sense.

Is my deduction correct or am I wrong and is there a way without the need for third party software to add new patterns to the existing ones?

Thanks and sorry for my english.

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25 minutes ago, David Baay said:

Have you checked the Ref. Guide? Should be in there.

I've looked at all the local help and the pdf document.
Either I'm really dumb or I can't see anything related to creating new patterns.

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2 hours ago, FJ Lamela said:

It would be logical that from the step sequencer it could be exported as a pattern for the arpeggiator, or failing that add some option to be able to add new content.
If you are forced to use only the default patterns of the internal arpeggiator and to create new ones you are forced to use an external arpeggiator (blue arp for example) then the included arpeggiator would not make much sense.

Sonar's built-in arpeggiator comes from a long-discontinued Cakewalk product named Project 5. Project 5 existed alongside SONAR, then the company decided to discontinue it and incorporate some of its features in SONAR. I believe Matrix also came from Project 5.

It was possible to create new patterns using Project 5, but when the feature was added to SONAR, the ability to create arpeggiator patterns was not brought with it.

I'm a big fan of Sonar's arpeggiator and I agree that it would greatly increase its usefulness to have some way to create our own patterns, and I was as surprised as you are to learn that there is no way.

Fortunately I was able to track down a library of 500 patterns created by a Project 5 user, and they work. Adding them to the menu increases the usefulness of the feature but is of course no substitute for being able to create our own.

3 hours ago, David Baay said:

Not at my P.C. but I believe you can save new patterns as .PTN files.

Yes, you are able to save patterns. Unfortunately, there is no way to create new ones or change the existing ones, which makes the save feature....puzzling. I think it saves the parameters such as octave, rate, and maybe latch state?

As far as I know, the arpeggiator parameters can't be automated, which further limits its usefulness.

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