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cakewalk and UR22 audio input causes white noise

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Cakewalk 2024.12 build 125 64bit.


Yesterday I connected an audio track and switched on the input echo and immediately got full-on white noise on the track. I am using Steinberg UR22 version 1(Steinberg drivers, WASAPI at the moment). 4 days ago it was recording audio(line in on chaneels 1 and 2) fine.

I tried the UR22 on audacity and it works fine. I tried the UR22 on another machine with audacity and it was fine.

I have reloaded the steinberg drivers and it makes no difference.

As soon as hit input echo the white noise comes and follows the volume slider. When I arm the track the monitor goes straight into the red but there is no output. It makes no difference if I have an instrument plugged into the UR22.

2 days ago I updated win 11 to 24H2. I’m wondering if this might have caused some side effects.

Does anybody have any experience of this? At the mo I don’t have any alternative method for recording audio.

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34 minutes ago, ed swift said:

I am using Steinberg UR22 version 1(Steinberg drivers, WASAPI at the moment)

Good day!

I have almost the same Steinberg UR22C card, and when I turn on the input, there is no echo or white noise. Another thing is that a sound loop may appear if the input signal level is high enough. In addition, you should use the ASIO driver (not WASAPI), because with the ASIO driver, the latency is much shorter, and the possibility of third-party interference and noise is almost eliminated.

In general, the ASIO driver was created to work in any DAW, and WASAPI is a kind of analogue of the ASIO driver, developed by Microsoft for the Cakewalk brand, and it does not have all the advantages of ASIO.

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thanks for info Igorr

I have found the problem.

For some reason the driver had changed from wasapi(shared) to wasapi(exclusive). When I changed back to wasapi(shared) the problem went away and the latency went to 10ms.

when I change to ASIO drivers the latency goes to 15.2 ms input and 18.2ms output.

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