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Hears from Plugin Alliance $29.99

Michael Docy

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This is a PA_EXT plugin from an external provider. It will be available via the PA webshop for 96 hrs ONLY. PA_EXT plugins are NOT part of our subscription bundles (MEGA L, XL, XXL, etc.) They cannot be bought in conjunction with PA Loyalty vouchers. 

Enhance the most important pieces of gear you own – your ears.
Designed in collaboration with one of America’s most acclaimed audiologists, HEARS fixes the hearing deficiencies affecting your ability to produce professionally. BETTER HEARING = BETTER MIXES, period

The perfect mixing environment for your ears

HEARS tests your hearing, pinpoints exactly where it’s lacking, and FIXES it. Finally, hear your mixes FLAT! Like having prescription glasses for your ears. HEARS Helps anyone, from those with the tiniest amount of hearing loss to  moderate and severe hearing loss. Create multiple profiles for multiple/different sets of monitors, headphones, or any speakers you mix on.


SUPER LOW CPU processing power, so you can leave it on all the time in the background

Create individual profiles for monitors, headphones, and any system 




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23 hours ago, Michael Docy said:

Anybody have it and care to comment?
I'm thinking of getting it but not sure.
I will watch the YouTube videos tonight to help me decide.

I got it during the last sale.  It seems to do a good job of testing your hearing.  Is the test as good as going to an audiologist?  Probably not, but I'm guessing it does a decent job of letting you know where your hearing issues are.  I was relieved to discover I wasn't as deaf as I thought.  You drop it on the end of your plugin chain (usually on the master buss) and it adds an inverse curve of what your hearing loss is.  It let me see I was adding a bit too much top end to my mixes to compensate for my loss there.  IMHO it was worth $29.

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I watched the tutorial and it seems like it doesn't do anything that you couldn't do for free with MOscillator and MEqualizer.

What it does is wrap it all up in a nice easy to use package, with automated tests. Time is money and so is convenience.

Kinda inspires me to try it with the aforementioned freebie plug-ins.

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