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no matter what I record, playback is 1/2 a beat off.

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Without knowing what you are using as an audio interface and how you have set things up pretty hard to advise you. 

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You need to dial in your record latency compensation. But even an entry-level ASIO interface will generally be off by no more than 30-50 samples right out of the box; half a beat points to a suboptimal interface and drivers, and probably not using ASIO.

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Sal might be on the right path. I was in somewhat similar situation yesterday.  Seems ASIO4ALL was the culprit. This is not the driver I use, but for some reason Cakewalk decided to use it here: Preferences > Audio > Sync and Caching  instead of a native ASIO driver. Only after I uninstalled ASIO4ALL things got back to the way they should be.

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The instructions are in the box. What a concept. Oh a brand new piece of gear. I should read the manual before I plug it in so it will function properly. 

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36 minutes ago, Michael Nickisher said:

my problem is with record latency. I've tried changing the buffer size from 256 to 128 and it didn't do anything.


If you still have the ASIO4all driver installed, uninstall it and clean it out of the system.  There's a number of posts describing that, just search on ASIO4all. It has been known to cause problems. 

Then use just the 2i2's manufacturer-supplied driver, whether that is ASIO or WASAPI or WDM/KS, and only that one.  

Edited by Amberwolf
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