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Included instrument patch list?

Sock Monkey

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Cakewalk Next unlike Sonar has a lot of pretty decent instruments included. And it seems that they must have GM patches associated with some / all? 

? A way to view the patch numbers of the instruments that use them? 

I guess what is missing is an event list too. 
There’s no way to view or edit midi data. Only notes and velocity. 
If there’s a CC7 volume event or Program change you are screwed . 


Edited by Sock Monkey
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Hmm, thanks everyone for your response. I guess Im the only one who was using Next and had hoped that someone like the developers would actually read this. 
It’s OK. I’ve all but given up hope that it will see any improvement. 
The only feature they managed to add after a whole year was the tempo track. 
Go ahead and try and use it!! If you think turning on Ripple Edit can make a giant mess of your project…. Just try and add a tempo map to Next.  It doesn’t import. And manually drawing nodes is a total nightmare. 
It’s interesting that over 100 people viewed this post, I guess you were desperate for something interesting to read on the forum. 


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Ya I was on it a year ago during the beta testing and none of the issues I reported were ever acknowledged. Actually only one, the huge bug in punch in recording. But the response took 2 months before it was fixed. 
it’s not my software.  I’ve given it a year. That’s enough. Move along folks, nothing to see here.  


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