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Cakewalk with DS88, instruments behaving strangely

Steven Howard


Cakewalk Version 2014.12 (Build 125, 64 bit)
Juno DS88

Currently, I only have two midi tracks that I'm trying to get to work together nicely:

In Track 1, I have the Juno DS FullStrings2 instrument specified. It works and sounds like I would expect.
In Track 2, I have the Juno DS MixHit instrument specified. 

If I play Track 2 in solo mode, or if I mute Track 1, then Track 2 sounds like I would expect. However; if I play Track 1 and Track 2 together, Track 2's notes play as FullStrings2 - the instrument set up in track 1, and that makes everything strange. I tried restarting the keyboard, and the Cakewalk instance, and when I do this, in solo mode track 2 plays fine, but if I try to play both tracks, then only track 1 plays - nothing from track 2.

It actually played correctly for a while, but something happened, and suddenly, it won't play right anymore, and I'm just pumping time into trial and error with no results. 

Any ideas on what I need to do to get it to play right? I'd like to progress with the music instead of troubleshooting what seems like it should be a silly little issue.

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Does the keyboard have a setting for Multi(timbral) on the midi input?   That's what you need to have for most hardware synths in order to use multiple instruments at the same time. (this receives each instrument's data on a separate MIDI channel, but usually reduces the number of voices (polyphony) available for each instrument, at least while others are also playing)

Otherwise they usually just use whatever the last patch command was sent as the instrument selection. (this plays all incoming MIDI channels on hte same instrument, but usually gives more voices for that instrument).

You also have to use different channels for each MIDI track sending to each instrument. 

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Remember, when you insert a MIDI track in Cakewalk, iIts MIDI channel defaults to “none”.  This means the MIDI event’s MIDI Channels are used.

Set the MIDI tracks to specific MID channels so that that can override the MIDI event’s MIDI Channels.

In your case, set MIDI track 1 to MIDI channel 1,  set MIDI track 2 to MIDI channel 2.

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