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Last update has a bug with multi core on Windows 10

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Since the last update I've noticed Cakewalk needs a much larger buffer size then before. It's now 512 and it used to be 16.

Also the latency has gone up 3x.

Due to other problems, like no audio or missing audio in parts of Cakewalk, I tried all sorts of stuff, without succes. Today I disabled the support of multi core and this solves the audio problems. It seems Cakewalk doesn't support multi core in the right way anymore in Windows.

This could by the reason why the latency has gone up and why it needs a much larger buffer size.

A bug?!?

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Sonar does. They made huge improvements to its efficiency and core handling. 

Hate to say it but Cakewalk is discontinued and the updates are not anything to do with issues you are experiencing. It is exactly what was in June 2023.  All updates were just for product management and a few minor bugs that were a quick fix. 


Edited by Sock Monkey
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