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Generating track automation nodes by using the arranger track sections

Pekka Immonen

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Hi everyone, I am a hobbyist audio engineer who has been using Cakewalk for decades. Recently I have been focusing on mixing and helping young musicians to get started with their musical career path (for free). My first ever forum post here:

I have been developing a mixing template where I at the certain point divide the song by using arranger track to it's parts from the mixing perspective. The idea is that I can automate the sub instrument busses (kick, snare, toms, cymbals, bass, guitars, synths, vox, etc.) roughly by setting the section levels first. Then moving into more detailed automation curves in the sub instrument busses and eventually in the tracks themselves. However this requires a bit of manual work that maybe could be easy to avoid. So would it make sense to use arranger tack section to generate automation curve nodes? This would at least speed up my current workflow (if that makes any sense).

- Pekka

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Not sure what you mean by “generating automation “. The arranger is a feature that allows you to divide your project into sections. It then can be used to “ Arrange “ the project using the sections by moving them around on the list. You can experiment with different arrangements of the project and save these or export. 
Automation will be part of the section you define. The arranger cannot make changes within a section. 

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