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Sonar Installation Guide?

Jim Stamper

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Has Cakewalk, or anyone, ever put together any sort of guide for the steps of installing Sonar with your existing configuration? 

As it's very common to install the a new version (Sonar) alongside an existing version (CbB) ... I'm thinking about steps like determining file locations, backing up and / or transferring your preferences, your custom presets, your workspaces, your screensets, your templates, etc etc etc

I don't know how much, if any of this is handled by the installer program. I typically do a checklist of my own each time I go through this process, and yes I've done it many times, but it would save time, risk and troubleshooting, if there was a written procedure from Cakewalk.


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This has always been automatic. That is why it has been best practices to install the oldest version first. Many of us have every version since 20 years ago or even 30! 

During instalment it will tell you it has found the older version and asks you for permission to use the settings. So no need to do anything. Just download and install.  
Sonar will have all your keyboard shortcuts and workspaces etc.  

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