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SOLVED: Short fast audio drop outs

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Yes there’s lots of options for seeking out the culprit. 

Here’s another one. Use Save as to save the entire project to a different folder or even drive. 
Now this is where “undo” becomes the tool. 

Delete tracks or buses one by one and use undo to restore them. You could delete multiple tracks and restore them and so on. Undo has a lot of room as long as you don’t close and save. 
Best you keep the original project safe from harm. 

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3 minutes ago, pwallie said:

to be more useful, you have a lot of instances of that plugin, and it struck me as the wild card

I think it is going to be this one because when i open it to make changes, it is the only one that is very slow to open up, and the audio slightly slows for the second that it opens up.  So we may both with the $50 on this one.

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Just now, Screaming For Attention said:

I think it is going to be this one because when i open it to make changes, it is the only one that is very slow to open up, and the audio slightly slows for the second that it opens up.  So we may both with the $50 on this one.

you said uad!!

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1 minute ago, pwallie said:

you said uad!!

The UAD was my first guess but I am changing it to the eq from Nomad Factory because the more I think about it, I realize they had another plugin that i had to stop using because one day randomly it just crashed cakewalk everytime I would select it to use. It would just close cakewalk right down and give me an error message.

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Saved project as TEST in C drive

Saved project as TEST in D drive

Started with C drive version

1.  First. So it is NOT the Nomad Factory EQs. Deleted, closed project, open back up, exactly the same issues

2. Second. Deleted all Arturia Analog Lab V synth tracks. 99% reduction in the issue. Recorded a vocal track, which would always cause an audio drop out and message, no issues at all. So it is ALMOST all the Arturia Analog Lab V plug in, but not completely as there was one blip after 15 minutes of continuous play and adding vocal tracks.

3. Third. Trying to review the settings for the computer as Sock suggested. My guess now is that there is some setting or adjustment that has to be made to allow Analog lab to be used and to eliminate the sound drop spots. I have to go back and implement the suggestions for tuning the computer that Sock mentions.

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There were a bunch of Arturia labs and even though they are muted they were still loaded and used a lot of resources. This is why we freeze them and then you can mute. 

So it was a combination of a lot of plug ins and soft synths that were causing a soft drop outs. 

I also still recommend the OP run a few tests to make sure that the computer is running correctly. 
My favourite these days is WhySoSlow found here


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