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focusrite sample rate issue



Hi, I'm using the focusrite scarlet 212.

When I open cakewalk, I check the sampling rate, it is 48, which seems to be it's default.

Next, I open focusrite, it's sampling rate is 44.1.

So I change sample rate to 48.

It reverts back to 44.1.

What am I doing wrong?

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Depending on the generation of Scarlet 2i2, use either the Scarlet control software or the scarlet configuration utility to change the sample rate of the Scarlet.

On my Scarlet 8i6 3rd generation I have it set to 48khz.

In Windows (Start + run > mmsys.cpl) , the only samplerate listed for the Scarlet 8i6 is 48khz

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These are the most important places to set up audio. 

WIndows- This is W11 it looks different in W10 and is found under Advanced settings. But you can allow your system to share the device in W11 this is confusing as you can see it says don't allow. But that actually means to allow, but when I look at it I think the opposite!  Under Format you set a global sample rate. The bit depth is sort of irrelevant. 


Then your Audio interface will have a control panel and this is where you can set it's default for all programs. You can see my Motu has a box for setting Windows in sync.  You can set your buffer size here.  I leave mine at 256 and only lower it if I use a Guitar sim. This seems a solid no hassle setting for the Motu and my SSL2.  My Zoom L8 interface I can use 128 no problem. 



Then in Sonar/Cakewalk you need to set the Default sample rate for new projects, The default it 44.1. So change it to 48 and don't forget to hit APPLY.  This will now result in all audio recording will be at 48 as well as any audio files dragged or imported will also be converted to 48. 



Another important setting is often overlooked and that is here where you set the Record bit depth. The default is only 16 bit.  Change it to 24.  Very few Interfaces support 32 bit. Most are 24. This is also where you might want to set your Global audio folder to a Data drive.  



Last is to always check here in the transport that the project is indeed using your settings. Worth knowing is you can change the sample rate right here in the transport but only if the project has absolutely no audio files.  Midi is OK with changing.

If you want to change a project from 44.1 to 48 that has a few audio tracks, You will need to export those tracks as 48/32 bit stems. Now delete all the audio data from the tracks-- ALL of it.    Change the Sample rate in the transport. Drag the stems back to their original location.  Done. 



Edited by Sock Monkey
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