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About placement of keyboard's keys for activations of articulation in different vst instruments.

Andy DA

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Dear sirs,

let me find out about how could be to change the placement of keyboard's keys for activation of articulations in different vst instruments?

For example, Instrument of Kontakt has key of F1 to placement of articulation (screenshot 2024-12-26_10-35-56), but my key of articulation  in keyboard of Piano Roll view Cakewalk has key of F3 (2024-12-26_10-38-40)!

How can i correct this placement of articulation's  keys?

Yours faithfully,




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One of two ways;

1. Change the base octave setting in CW preferences...


2. Build & use articulation maps for your instruments (which actually are the better way to go because then the articulation data gets FIFO priority in the serial data stream).

Edited by OutrageProductions
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