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If I Should Wake (WIP, Looking for feedback)


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122224 000001 000021g -- first public version.


At only 30 seconds***, it's likely this is just going to be the intro for a long evolving track.   This one is another experiment with "misusing" sounds from assorted sources (mostly Ghosthack and Cymatics for this one) and building something around them after dropping them randomly in the track view, then rearranging (a lot) to make it musical, and begin forming what I want out of it, as I begin to hear something coming together.  

***with two new sections now added, it's up to a bit more than a couple of minutes now.


BTW, if you like the theme from "The Expanse", I've been told that the third section bears some resemblance in sound. 

I haven't gone to compare them directly yet, but I certainly liked that theme (the whole show actually, not just the music) so I'm surprised that I didn't hear this resemblance myself. 😊 



Edited by Amberwolf
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 12-30-24:  122224 000001 100042k -- extensive small edits, added sounds, altered pitches, etc. 

Note the second section is stylistically different from the first; connected by the sounds and some of the musical phrasings.  Only adds another minute for a total of about 1 and a half minutes total, enough to leave you wishing for more. :)



1 hour ago, Keith Wilby said:

That's very very nice indeed. Way out of the spectrum of what I normally do so I'm not qualified to suggest anything, but keep on it, it'll be a great track. 

Thanks!   It's rather out of my usual methods, so it (and my last few most recent tracks) are quite the experiment for me.  


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12-31-24:  122224 000001 200071s -- extensive small percussion and timing edits.



BTW, if you like the theme from "The Expanse", I've been told that the third section bears some resemblance in sound. 

I haven't gone to compare them directly yet, but I certainly liked that theme (the whole show actually, not just the music) so I'm surprised that I didn't hear this resemblance myself. 😊 

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