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Stereo Interleave Bug

Shaun Swanson

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My project plays fine in stereo when it is first opened. I change the interleave to Mono on the master bus now and then to help with mixing decisions. But once I do that the project behaves oddly. It will no longer preview in real stereo. When I pan an channel hard L or R the overall volume dips, but the sounds is still centered. If I close and reopen the project it is fine until I preview in mono again.

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2 hours ago, Sock Monkey said:

Im away from my computer but I use a free plug in that allows me to choose to solo different frequencies and mono. It’s made for mastering. 
Found it. Isol8 ( isolate) 


I'll have to check that one out.

Except for the mono part, I do that with the old Sonitus Multiband Compressor, with a preset that essentially disables the compression/limiting, and just lets me solo each of the 5 bands (you can solo all of them or only one or a few), to mute the other ones.   But it looks simpler in Isol8. 


I've used ChannelTools to do different stereo/mono filtering, but I don't do much of that so don't know it all that well.

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An interesting use for it is put it on your master bus and then put a LUFS / peak meter like You Lean after it. 
Create a project with all your finished songs and a few reference tracks. 
Now solo each track in turn and starting with the lowest band use the Isol8 to take note of what the peak and LUFS are for each song is. 
Example I find the low frequency is the loudest at around 17-19 LUFS. 
But the mid frequency ranges were slightly different from song to song. 
This will quickly point out songs that are weak in  certain frequencies. 
Sure you can look at a spectrum meter but that is generally showing peak levels and not loudness. 

And a great meter for checking mono compatibility is Voxingo Correlation meter 


Edited by Sock Monkey
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