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Two really obvious (to me) feature requests


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I know I know, there are places to officially log feature requests, but never ever in my long life has a feature request I have ever suggested ever made it ever to any piece of software ever, so I'm basically just howling at the rain here. Apologies. You can skip.

#1 Here is my workflow: I export a song that is in progress to audio, then copy the resulting mp3 to a Google Drive folder so that I can listen on my phone as I go about my day, jotting down a few notes for the next time I'm at the DAW. Half the time I do this, I then go off and later discover that only one track got exported, because that track happened to be selected at export time. Grrrr.... And when exporting I can't choose "Project" instead of "Selection" in my export because I have all kinds of crap in my project far off to the right of the real song, so I need to make a selection from the true start to end.

It seems like it would be easy for Sonar to pop up a warning: "Your exported audio will not include all non-muted tracks. Are you sure you want to export?" Then there would be an option to cancel export, and another option "Include all non-muted tracks in exported audio."

#2 - It also seems obvious that when I have selected some notes in PRV and want to drag them around or edit them somehow as a group , that I shouldn't have to put my mouse riiiiiiiiight over ONE of the notes in the group to drag it. Once the selection is made, I should just be able to drag anywhere within the "box" of selected notes. Same with editing velocities or lengths. If I simply want to change the length of a passage of very short notes, I'm required to first zoom in so that I can get the cursor over the right edge of one of the notes. I should just be able to treat the selection as a single thing. I'm thinking something like the Transform Tool box with the buttons on the borders.

Thanks for indulging me.

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6 hours ago, jkoseattle said:

It seems like it would be easy for Sonar to pop up a warning

CW developers have historically avoided the use of warning pop-ups to save you from yourself, and rightly so in my opinion.

My suggestions:

- Get in the habit of hitting Ctrl+Shift+A to deselect everything before bouncing/exporting an entire project.

- Use the Project Start and End markers to define the default range.

- Instead of going straight to export, bounce the Master bus to a 'Master Bounce' track that outputs directly to Main Outs in parallel with the Master bus. Group that track's mute button in opposition with the Master bus so you can A/B between the live and bounced mixes. When you're satisfied that they sound the same, export the Master Bounce track in the desired format.

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#2 is standard Windows behaviour (try moving a bunch of files in Explorer for instance) so is probably hard to change and also probably not something that *should* be changed as it's then non-standard behaviour.

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20 hours ago, David Baay said:

Get in the habit of hitting Ctrl+Shift+A to deselect everything before bouncing/exporting an entire project.

Many Cakewalk users have bound the "~" key to Deselect All. It's handy because it's one of the few unassigned keystrokes that doesn't require a modifier.

Figuring out why Cakewalk's DAW's have me wearing a shiny spot on my tilde key is on my to do list. There's something about the way it releases (or doesn't release) selected items that isn't such an issue in other DAW's I've used. Not that I think it would ever change, I just want to understand it.

20 hours ago, David Baay said:

Use the Project Start and End markers to define the default range

This is the very issue that led many of us to request this feature. I like to work with a measure or two at the start of my projects, and I also sometimes "park" things past the end of the song.

20 hours ago, David Baay said:

Instead of going straight to export, bounce the Master bus to a 'Master Bounce' track that outputs directly to Main Outs in parallel with the Master bus. Group that track's mute button in opposition with the Master bus so you can A/B between the live and bounced mixes. When you're satisfied that they sound the same, export the Master Bounce track in the desired format.

I'm having a hard time parsing this. When you say "bounce the Master bus to a Master Bounce track," how do you bounce a bus to a track?

Since I want to use a bus fader to control my monitor volume without having it affect exporting, I route my Master bus to a dedicated Export bus that has no effects and has its fader always set to zero. I hide it, because it's never going to be touched.

Then I route my Export bus to a Volume bus that lets me easily adjust my monitor volume without it affecting anything else. I also keep Mastering the Mix LEVELS or MeldaProduction MLoudnessAnalyzer on the volume bus pre fader.

Then at export time, I just export from my Export bus and that's it.

My reason for doing all this is that when I first started using Cakewalk, I ran into trouble with exporting because I didn't understand that "entire mix" came off of the hardware outs. I thought it came from the Master bus. I was adjusting volume with the hardware outs and my exports were coming out at low levels.

My interface also has a dedicated output for headphones, so I was getting the output from that as well. It was all a big mess, so I stopped using "Entire Mix" and figured out the above routing. There may be a simpler way to accomplish it, but I know that if I take my export from my Export bus, I will be getting what I'm hearing without it being affected by something downstream.

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