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Midi not recording on specific project

kristian cachia

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Hi all, 

I'm trying to figure out why on a specific project my midi isn't recording. On all my other projects and also when creating a new one midi is recording fine. 

Cant find what is wrong with this project, same soft synth, same settings. Am I missing something, maybe I hit some setting.

Any help would be appreciated :) Would save me time to start project all over 




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12 hours ago, kristian cachia said:

Hi all, 

I'm trying to figure out why on a specific project my midi isn't recording. On all my other projects and also when creating a new one midi is recording fine. 

Cant find what is wrong with this project, same soft synth, same settings. Am I missing something, maybe I hit some setting.

Any help would be appreciated :) Would save me time to start project all over 




Welcome to the forum.
Does it fail to record MIDI on all tracks of the problem project?

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On 12/15/2024 at 8:17 PM, kristian cachia said:


 Maybe its the cakewalk update I made yesterday.

Cakewalk updates would not do this.

Can you post a screenshot of your project, including the inspector showing the MIDI track info for the problem track.

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