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Best audio hosting for sharing WIP tracks?

Andi Rock

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  • Andi Rock changed the title to Best audio hosting for sharing WIP tracks?
1 hour ago, mark skinner said:

Sound Click.  A little harder to navigate but worth the effort. They also let you replace your wav file without having to go thru everything again. Handy for a WIP. They also stream at a higher bit rate than Soundcloud.            

Thank you kindly.

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Bandcamp.com is where I keep all my "finished" tracks, at http://amberwolf.bandcamp.combut I've used it for WIPs too; it easily lets you replace any part of a "track page" (sound file, artwork, etc) just by using the edit link on the track page.  


Soundclick.com is where I put up most WIPs until they're finished enough to stick on BC; it also lets you edit anything.


The one thing that SC does that BC doesn't is allow you to use a default track artwork/icon if you don't specirfically upload one on each track.  BC requires you specifically upload artwork at least  1400x1400 everytime you upload a track.  You can use the same one each time, but it isn't done by default by BC unlike SC. 


If you're looking for people to just find / listen to anything, SC is not the place to do it.  I often see a track I put up go to #1 or 2 on the whole site just from a single listen, so SC is obviously not visited very much.     

BC doesn't have ratings or charts like SC, so I haven't got a way to directly compare the two for that. 


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