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Allen & Heath SQ6 transport controls



I'm having no luck getting the (MMC) transport controls on my Allen & Heath SQ6 to operate the play/record/rewind etc in Cakewalk.

Anyone able to guide me  as to what I need to do in either/both the SQ6 and Cakewalk to make this work would be very much appreciated.

I wish to ultimately use Allen & Heath's Mixpad software on a tablet in a vocal booth to control the transport.

Mixpad Sliders are communicating with the SQ6 sliders 

Thank you

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You need Control Surface plug-in in Cakewalk, with input from MIDI port of the mixer. I think Cakewalk Generic Surface can do that (https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=ExternalDevices.12.html).

With some luck, selecting "Play" and pressing "Learn" can learn corresponding MMC (SysEx) message. If it does, proceed with other transport buttons.

If not, you can try AZ Controller (from azslow.com). Here you should be able to see which messages your mixer send (if it send something, I mean you have configured it and selected correct MIDI port).

Alternatively, you can try https://www.allen-heath.com/hardware/controllers/midi-control/, with Mackie Surface.

PS.  I think AZ Controller presets for ZED and QU will NOT work with SQ, so if you decide to go that route you need create different preset...

PS.PS. I never had any of these mixers.

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