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Dotted vertical line following my cursor is annoying


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My first post. I'm a long time Logic Pro user. My 2017 MacBook is struggling with even small projects, so here I am.

This moving dotted line is very distracting. Can I turn it off?


Edited by Buddha
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Every DAW is different. You develop a workflow with a particular DAW and when you try and change to a different DAW that workflow will most likely not work at all. 

I have tried most of the mainstream DAW's over this last year. Of course Logic is not available to PC users. 

What I found is some DAW's are very intuitive to learn and some are a nightmare. I would have to include Cakewalk / Sonar in that category. 

It's the trade off for it being possibly one of the few DAW's that does just about everything a DAW can do.  Therefore it's has a huge users manual and a zillion features, menus and lot's of tiny microscopic buttons. I took me 15 years and I am still learning.

None of the 12 or so DAW's I tried can replace everything it does for my workflow. Studio one and Cubase come the closest. 

It has features like a smart tool that no other DAW has. You get used to your workflow using a smart tool and all the other DAW's seem clunky. 

I'm hoping they take the time to make proper tutorials for it someday. 

The by far easiest DAW I used was Mixcraft. The worst was Ardour with Reaper a close second. Pro Tools is also easy to learn. There's a free version. 

Ardour, Waveform and Pro Tools First are free but for now Cakewalk is still the best free DAW IMHO

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22 hours ago, lɐʍd said:

yep, altho they've always relied on user made tutorials, never made any official ones 🤷‍♀️

Well they did but I think it was for Sonar x2. See the sticky in the Tutorial sub forum by Morton. It would take way to long to navigate all the home made ones to actually learn anything. Most other DAW's have official tutorials and accessible from within the software. 

I probably have learned more here on this forum than from any other source. Scook was king of correct answers but I guess he's long gone. 

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