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Move control surface faders to bus


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I have my control surface (X32) faders working fine on channels.  Is there a way to change the surface to use the buss section instead?

I can right click on the bottom of the console view, and the menu appears "Move Mackie Control - 1 here", but if I do the same on the buss section, nothing happens.


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  On 11/6/2024 at 7:42 PM, reginaldStjohn said:

I have an x32 as well but have not found a way to control the buss channels. There may be a command or a midi message that could be set to one of the X32 soft buttons to change to the busses but I have not figured that out.


Many years ago, I also had a BCF2000, that had a button to shift to buss faders (which also swapped the X32 to buss faders), but I've long since given that away.  I've looked at many sites that contain Mackie CC codes, but none have that elusive switch code.

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There was an option added for the Korg nanoKONTROL Studio to allow the scrub button or loop button to be used as a SHIFT key along with the bank up/down buttons to select tracks or buses:


To enable this, you need to check the "Use Scrub + Bank Down/Up to select Tracks/Buses" option in the Mackie Control dialog:


Not saying this will definitely work with the X32, but worth a try.

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  • 3 months later...

@msmcleod Nice idea, but which button on the X32 would be the scrub button? I can program one of the soft keys with a CC code, but what would that be?


Do you have a MIDI monitor (something like MIDI-OX) that you could see what CC codes are sent when you press that button?

Edited by Soundman32
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  On 2/11/2025 at 8:50 PM, Soundman32 said:

@msmcleod Nice idea, but which button on the X32 would be the scrub button? I can program one of the soft keys with a CC code, but what would that be?


Do you have a MIDI monitor (something like MIDI-OX) that you could see what CC codes are sent when you press that button?


All MCU buttons send Note On messages when pressing the button down, and Note Off messages ( or Note On with velocity = 0 ) for releasing the button.

Scrub is note value 101 decimal ( 0x65 hex ). 

Bank Down/Up are 46 / 47 decimal ( 0x2E / 0x2F hex)

Alternatively, you could just send the correct note value for switching to tracks / buses:

Switch to Tracks:   76 decimal ( 0x4C hex )
Switch to Buses:    80 decimal ( 0x50 hex )

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