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sync drum

giant ll


Hello all. I have a problem. I've got a 24 tracks project with audio and some midi tracks.

The drummer has sent to me an audio track with all the drum parts. I've imported the audio track in project.

I cannot syncronize it with metronome and with the project.

I use the "move" command. If i put forward the audio track it plays in advance. If put it back play in back. I cannot put the track with the point of the accent directly in the point of metronome. The project is always shifted and i have an interval too big to put in the right place.

22 is the track with metronome, 24 is the drum. How you can see in the picture, the accent is always shifted. Drum accent is late respect MEtronome accent.

Anybody coud tell me what could i do for it?



Edited by giant ll
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P.s: when i say that i cannot put the accent in the right point, i mean that there is an interval of time that the software with my settings give me, minimum, to move the drum.  The interval is too big and if i put it back it go too much back... if i put it forward it go too much forward.

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If it is just a matter of moving an audio clip forward or backward, I would use the Nudge  feature, which can be configured to move a clip by extremely small increments like Milliseconds, Frames, and Ticks. You can find the Nudge settings in the Track View Menu under Process. Also, I see your Snap Setting is at 1/16th note. If you disable Snap you can zoom in and move the beginning of the track manually. Snap can also be configured to snap to smaller increments like Milliseconds, Frames, and Ticks.

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giant II , Just a suggestion ..  In the future all collaborators should export their tracks from the Very beginning of the song. You can slip edit out the silence if you want to. If everybody is on the same page timing doesn't become an issue. Time stamped tracks can also be used if everyone has the ability.  During collabs if I'm sending someone a guitar track , I may end up doing it a few times untill wer'e both satisfied. It can turn into a mess if it has to be alighned each time ..   ms

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17 hours ago, mark skinner said:

  During collabs if I'm sending someone a guitar track , I may end up doing it a few times untill wer'e both satisfied. It can turn into a mess if it has to be alighned each time ..   ms

During my last collaboration, the guitar track file sent to me had to be manipulated a bit to get it into SONAR, and it didn't lineup with anything.  After some processing I got it to the correct tempo/timing, but hadn't yet found the lineup points (it was an improv track to the song I'd already nearly completed otherwise), so when I went ahead and listened to it to figure out where it should start, I found a few possible spots, and it ended up working out better with a different start point, and with some parts cut and shifted around from there, too.  

If you're curious it's Convocation of Lies over on http://amberwolf.bandcamp.com ; the Lauscho version in the Lies, Truth, and Assorted Inconveniences album has the guitar track, and there are at least a couple earlier versions on the page that don't have the collab guitar track in there (just the original bits I'd played in). 



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On 10/11/2024 at 11:25 AM, mark skinner said:

giant II , Just a suggestion ..  In the future all collaborators should export their tracks from the Very beginning of the song. You can slip edit out the silence if you want to. If everybody is on the same page timing doesn't become an issue. Time stamped tracks can also be used if everyone has the ability.  During collabs if I'm sending someone a guitar track , I may end up doing it a few times untill wer'e both satisfied. It can turn into a mess if it has to be alighned each time ..   ms

Yes. It should be better. I think that should be the way. I make this when i export a track.

The problem of this drummer i think it's that he didn't have a multitrack to work installed.. he just pushed play in my tracks.. sit down on the drum... record the drum over (internally into a single track) and after he sent me the file.

I don't know what kind of recorder he used.

So.. there is the empty part.. and i had to cut the file and find exactly where the accents are... Really unconfortable.

Edited by giant ll
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