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Problems with CA-2A / PC2A Leveler

Ronald Bakker

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I am experiencing issues with Cakewalk Sonar after uninstalling the CA-2A plugin. I've used it before in Cakewalk by Bandlab.
Here’s what has happened:

I was having trouble with the CA-2A plugin in the new Cakewalk Sonar (drop-outs), so I decided to uninstall it as a program. Because PC2A Leveler doesn't give drop-outs. 

After removing CA-2A, Cakewalk Sonar started crashing whenever I loaded a project that used the PC2A Leveler (and possibly the CA-2A as well) in the Pro Channel.

To resolve the crashes, I reinstalled the CA-2A plugin. However, the PC2A Leveler does not seem to have a separate installer, and I suspect this might also be contributing to the issue?

How can I ensure that Cakewalk Sonar works reliably with the PC2A Leveler without crashing, and what is the best way to safely remove the CA-2A if possible? Before, when I opened a song with CA-2A used (I've used it a lot!) cakewalk shows a dialog box where I had to choose CA-2A or PC2A. 

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The PC2A is an intrinsic effect and considered part of Sonar, which is why there is no separate (un)installer for it. Even though it's a sibling to CA2A under the hood, to my knowledge they are completely independent of one another and do not share any dependencies. It's unlikely that your problems are related to the PC2A module. More likely, it's because a project had referenced the CA2A and complained about the missing plugin. 

Unless you had a real crash. Talking about the kind that is accompanied by a crash dump. If a project fails to load due to a missing plugin, that's not a "crash". If I'm wrong about that assumption, we can take a look at the crash dump for clues.

As for removing CA2A, my advice would be don't bother. I doubt you're so short on disk space that 3MB is going to make a difference. You can always disable it if you don't want it showing up in menus.


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