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Bill Fischer

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A midi track with the midi clip/s should have midi out selected. If  not check edit/preferences/midi devices and activate those that fit your midi device.

Control that the midi channel is the same on both.

Some hardware synths have midi settings. Check those.

The midi cable could be faulty.

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If you are using a USB connection then-

1- Yamaha has a Midi driver on the website that it is best to use and not just a Windows generic driver. 

2- Make sure the Keyboard is connected using USB before you open Cakewalk and then open Preferences and look for it being listed in midi devices. Check the input and output. 

3- If it isn't open device manager and see if it's listed there. With USB it is possible to exceed the 10 device limit on any given USB port. If this is the case open " show  hidden devices" under control panels views and delete un needed devices. 

4- If the keyboard shows in the preferences as a input and output device and the boxes are checked, then it should be available as such in the track header for the midi or instrument tracks. 

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