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In These Amber Days


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In These Amber Days


Another experiment (from last year) that sounds like a medley of different things, I suppose (but isn't). 


Most of it is synths, but there are some guitar parts played on an Ibanez 6string bass (and then edited for timing, pitch, etc since I can't actually play, to create the parts you hear). 


Haven't made new track art for it, so it still uses the old generic logo


Edited by Amberwolf
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1 hour ago, timboalogo said:

I really liked the groove on this and with the drums panned to the right it makes for a fine mix and an excellent listen!


Thanks!   I hard panned some parts of the kit (I think it is laregely a modified version of the MisfitKit in sessiondrummer3, with various things replaced with other sound.   The kick is probably centered, but the hats I know I panned off to the sides, and pushed the snare over, so you'd hear the kit as if you were sitting at it, more or less.  

I may have also fed it thru the ChannelTools "widener" setup; dont' recall for sure (done that with a number of parts over the years). 


Someday I'm going to hack my Vizio speaker bar to install a line out coming from the amp side, so I can use their fake surround as a much better widener. :)


You'd probably like Just Give Me A Voice, too--there's a thread for it somewhere in this section; it's also on Bandcamp but I think it's "hidden" inside the album "Lies, Truth, and Assorted Inconveniences" instead of having it's own icon on the page. (apparently you can't have both, unless you have a totally separate upload page for a second copy).   

I probably used the same kit and panning setup on it, since I think I started In These Amber days not long after JGMAV. I tend to use the previous project as a "template' for the next one, as I learn with each one on mixing, etc., and it's easier to do this to transfer my new bussing, effects, etc on to future projects than to build a new template from scratch.  


Regarding kits and panning, I think I started doing it that way (whenever the kit / synth / etc had the ability) back when I used the old Ensoniq ASR88 and EPS16+ for everything (sequencer and sounds).  I tended to mix in headphones mostly then, before I learned to get better mixes from speakers, and liked the way it felt like I was right there.  Most of the kits in synths I had used before (like the Yamaha TG33) didn't pan the different parts around much, if at all, so they were fairly dull. 

The old (1996) Uncommon Ground cd here


has a number of tracks, like Girl, Stratus, Merge, Fox and Wolf, Play Guitar, Gwen, Sara, Slave to Emotion, Katspaw that use various versions of a panned kit.   


I kinda wish I'd been using Cakewalk when I made that stuff (I could go back and remake those probably much better nowadays), but IIRC it was all done on the step sequencer on the ASR/EPS units, which only have a two line text only screen, so you can't see anything in relation to anything else.  Makes editing pretty difficult, so most of what's on Uncommon Ground is played in on the keyboard with minimal editing afterward, mostly just deleting bad notes and a fair bit of quantizing to one degree or another.  I played to a lot of delays to keep time, since I don't really play to a metronome very well (it's not very musical). 



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