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Exported 6 track mix to mp3/wav, can only hear bass track on playback


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Title pretty much explains it. I have previously been successful exporting mixes to mp3 for review. I record at 48 Hz / 24 bit and dither down to 44.1 Hz / 16 bit upon export. This song has the most tracks I've mixed at 6, most of my others have 2 or 3. I have vocals, banjo, 2x guitar, and 2x bass. When I export to mp3, only the bass comes through on my Windows Media Player. I've exported to WAV with the same results.

If I had to guess, either something is off on my bus inputs or maybe I accidentally clicked a button in some settings somewhere. I'm attaching a screenshot of my console view. Any help?

Crystal River console 09092024.JPG

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5 hours ago, Glenn Stanton said:

check your export settings. you need to include all the tracks that feed the master buss. make sure none are muted. then save it as a task once it's working correctly. then just run the task whenever you need to export.

Thank you. I went in and deleted some muted tracks I no longer needed and exported Entire Mix instead of individually selected option Tracks to Entire Mix. It worked. However, listening to the mp3 helped uncover a bigger problem. New thread to come...

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