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Virus TI 2 KeyB latency issues with Cakewalk


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Since i bought my Virus TI 2 Keyboard two years ago, i am experiencing latency problems with both audio and midi in USB port mode.

Problem 1 : when playing notes, whatever i do, the sound comes slightly after i press the Virus Keyboard. Which is very annoying. I can't find any setting or buffer value that might solve this problem. (the "live mode" on the virus app helps a bit but not enough)

Problem 2 : when i record audio, i have to manualy move the audio clips recorded as they are slightly decynced otherwise. The recorded clips are a bit " late ".

Thanks in advance for your help.

(latest win10 & updates, latest Ti drivers, latest Cakewalk by bandlab, amd 5900x, 64gb ram, corsair mp400 ssd, rme fireface UCX)

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3 hours ago, J.War said:

in USB port mode


3 hours ago, J.War said:

rme fireface UCX

You will continue to get poor performance when trying to use a driver mode other than ASIO.
You cannot use more than 1 ASIO driver at a time, forcing you to use a slower driver. 
I would connect the synth with RCA cables to the Fireface.
I think.  🙂

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You will continue to get poor performance when trying to use a driver mode other than ASIO.
You cannot use more than 1 ASIO driver at a time, forcing you to use a slower driver. 
I would connect the synth with RCA cables to the Fireface.
I think.  🙂

What driver modes have you tried in CbB?
WASAPI Exclusive generally is quicker than Shared or WDM/KS, and definitely faster that MME.

Thanks for your replies.

I am not sure but, if i understand you well, i cannot use my RME Fireface UCX  Asio and the Virus TI asio at the same time without sync problems ?

Is it the reason why the " Virus TI asio driver IN /OUT " boxes are greyed out ?

The Virus TI uses ASIO driver, but seems compatible WASAPI. Unfortunately my RME Fireface UCX doesn't seem to work while cakewalk is in wasapi mode.

I am sorry but i am a bit confused. It seems i can't set up cakewalk so the Fireface is Asio mode and the Virus is Wasapi mode.


Edited by J.War
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4 hours ago, J.War said:

I wasn't aware of this.

Anyway, most DAWs compensate for latency while recording, why cakewalk wouldn't do it in the case of the Virus TI ?

There have been many comparison tests of the various driver modes over the years, and none are as accurate as ASIO. I wish I could find a link.
In order to use both devices at the same time with USB, they both must use a driver other than ASIO.

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Answer from the official support :


The Virus TI does not have to be selected as the audio interface for a music setup for the TI plugin to work, nor is this required. In supported DAWs the playback of the Virus TI plugin is latency compensated, meaning it would be in time with the playback automatically

Anyway i've found a workaround : On the track i've recorded the virus on, just after recording, i set the track INPUT on " none " instead of " Virus TI out 1+2 ", on the same track i set the OUTPUT to master instead of any bus or aux. No more desync.

That's indeed another of those many CW strange behaviors. Hope the new sonar will raise again the level to industry standards.

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