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Can't Get 2nd iCon P1-X to Pick Up in Sonar


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FIXED (I think?!?)

Previously...I had chosen the MMcL #1 and MMcL XT #1 as the Controller Choices for the P1-M and P1-X and it worked.

Just now...I changed all 3 to MMcL #1 and their respective midi i/o and all three are now showing the correct track order.


So...i'm drawing a blank. I have a iCon P1-M and P1-X controller setup. In a 16 channel config works fine. Just picked up a 2nd P1-X extender to boost to 24.

Windows Device Manager sees both though due to Windows poor USB naming conventions, had to do a work around to rename them in the Registry so I can distinguish which is which. I power them all off...open Device Manager, and turn on one at a time so I can see the order in which Windows detects them. All three are showing up in the Device Manager.

Now...this series allows you to run three different DAWS from the same controller using different MIDI channels but we'll keep this simple. I will describe what happens with the P1-M/X combo and how I'd expect that to populate out one more time but it's not.

CbB and Sonar are my main DAWS. Each controller has 4 midi channels it transmits on.  Channel 4 is off limits. Channel 1-3 MIDI IN/OUT refer to the 3 DAWS.
Seeing as CbB and Sonar are my primary...they've always been dedicated to MIDI 1 of each of those (listed as iCON P1-X where as the additional channels Sonar sees as MIDIIN2 (iCON P1-X) etc. MIDI IN/OUT 2 are for Luna...MIDI IN/OUT 3 are for Reaper.)

Problem is now...I'm seeing the second P1-X  in the Midi In choices...but I'm not seeing the second P1-X in the Midi Out choices. I only see some MIDI OUTS for iCon but it doesn't appear to be picking up any of the correct ports. 

Is there a way to have Cakewalk forget what it's seeing and then rescan the Midi Ports. I know reaper has a function like that.

Not sure why Windows sees all three correctly but it seems the DAWS don't.  Any thoughts?

Edited by minminmusic
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The Mackie Control surfaces are designed to work as a group - i.e. as if they're a single control surface.

So for example, if I had an MCU, 2 x XT and a C3 and I want them all to work together as one, I'd set them up as:

MMcL Mackie Control XT #1
MMcL Mackie Control XT #1
MMcL Mackie Control #1
MMcL Mackie Control C4 #1

If I had an additional MCU that I wanted to use for controlling buses, while the others are controlling tracks, I'd set it up as follows:

MMcL Mackie Control XT #1
MMcL Mackie Control XT #1
MMcL Mackie Control #1
MMcL Mackie Control C4 #1
MMcL Mackie Control #2   <-  additional MCU

But unless you want them to work separately,   there is no reason to use the MMcL version of Mackie Control - just use the one shipped with Cakewalk/Sonar.


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