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IK MultiMedia T-RackS 6 Intro Available


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I'm okay with the pricing. What upsets me (and I really, really mean it) is how IK keeps piling more convoluted rules on top of already convoluted rules and how every year there's more rules to be aware of.

There's a group of people who have seemingly disappeared into the extended IK universe where everything revolves around gamified discount rules. I just want to buy stuff. I don't care for discount lore. I don't care for discount rule books the size of early D&D editions. 

Make it simpler - please!

I don't want trawl through receipts from 2018. I don't want to whip up a calculator. I don't want to count processors - at all, ever - just show me the number in my account profile or at checkout?

Edited by Hose Gef
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4 hours ago, Hose Gef said:

I'm okay with the pricing. What upsets me (and I really, really mean it) is how IK keeps piling more convoluted rules on top of already convoluted rules and how every year there's more rules to be aware of.

There's a group of people who have seemingly disappeared into the extended IK universe where everything revolves around gamified discount rules. I just want to buy stuff. I don't care for discount lore. I don't care for discount rule books the size of early D&D editions. 

Make it simpler - please!

I don't want trawl through receipts from 2018. I don't want to whip up a calculator. I don't want to count processors - at all, ever - just show me the number in my account profile or at checkout?

This one seemed fairly simple, you login put it in your cart and at checkout there is either a discount code you can apply or not that seems to factor in how many plugins you have.

I've got ~45 T-Racks things and it only gives $50 off Max.  No sure how they came up with the you need 50+ of them to get the $99 price as that seems fairly outrageous given how many plugins 45 is, as at that point it isn't like you need more and you have already acquired the vast majority of what makes up the "$200" full in price.

I would agree most retailers these days seem to just apply the discount code for you at checkout though.

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On 9/5/2024 at 2:39 PM, Nitrate Audio said:

Iam considering one day getting into the arc hardware. maybe tracks 6 will be included free in that. 

That's not a bad idea.  Even as a promotion.

19 hours ago, Chaps said:

I'm seeing "T-Racks 6 Intro' at the very bottom of the Product Manager Software/All screen. When I click Install it starts to download. I haven't installed it but it looks like it's available in the Product Manager.

That is exactly what I saw before I installed T-RackS 6 MAX too and that should be present for those who want to try T-RackS 6 using the Intro version (which is now the free version).

19 hours ago, Doug Rintoul said:

I have all the T-Racks 5 modules but I got a good portion of them via group buys. My discount is at the 25+ module level. So I am guessing that modules obtained via group buys don't count.

Group buy modules do count.  We have made improvements to the coupon implementation so you might want to try again but also let me and/or the team know if it still doesn't work.

17 hours ago, Fleer said:

I wonder if we can use our Gear Credits (not Jam Points) for this upgrade. 

T-RackS 6 is not available for purchase with Gear Credits.

1 hour ago, Brian Walton said:

This one seemed fairly simple, you login put it in your cart and at checkout there is either a discount code you can apply or not that seems to factor in how many plugins you have.

I've got ~45 T-Racks things and it only gives $50 off Max.  No sure how they came up with the you need 50+ of them to get the $99 price as that seems fairly outrageous given how many plugins 45 is, as at that point it isn't like you need more and you have already acquired the vast majority of what makes up the "$200" full in price.

I would agree most retailers these days seem to just apply the discount code for you at checkout though.

It seemed so, but there definitely were some odd issues as it apparently is (well I'm admitting it is TO ME in case my colleagues are reading this ;) ) confusing internally with regard to some of the older bundles and lesser-known types of products that contained T-RackS processors.  I also accept some of the blame since I'm usually quite thorough and I know I would also have missed some of these cases where the coupon was not applied properly.  However, the team fielded the reports and any data folks like me could funnel to them (including theories which I can neither deny nor confirm were correct since I threw out a few of them) and the coupons should be showing correctly now.  I also absolutely acknowledge your point about a straightforward price reduction, even in cart, being more elegant and I will continue to try to highlight that as a more elegant solution when there are opportunities like this.  Auto-application of the coupon, though, caused issues in the past where some folks had more JamPoints than the coupon and wanted to use those just to let you know why the coupon doesn't currently automatically apply.

Oh and the 50+ was meant to cover people who essentially have T-RackS 5 MAX v2 without having purchased that specific product.  This would typically be via group buys and similar.  If you want to shoot me your IK username I can double check.  Not that I'm doubting your math, but might be worth a shot.

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In IK Product Manager, I see T-RackS 6 is available to "Try" and "Buy" but I don't see T-RackS 6 Intro.  I tried refreshing, then deleted and reinstalled IK Product Manager.  Any suggestions to be able to install T-RackS 6 Intro?

Edited by ALC
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2 hours ago, ALC said:

In IK Product Manager, I see T-RackS 6 is available to "Try" and "Buy" but I don't see T-RackS 6 Intro.  I tried refreshing, then deleted and reinstalled IK Product Manager.  Any suggestions to be able to install T-RackS 6 Intro?

You can click the "Try" there and it will get you set up with the Intro version and the ability to try any of the other modules.  Thanks!

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On 9/5/2024 at 6:06 PM, IK Multimedia said:

If you have 50+ T-RackS single processors you'd qualify for the $/€100 off.  IK Support can look at your account and see what is happening but the 100 off coupon should show in your cart to be applied if the system knows you qualify.  Might be something odd happening so it is worth checking into since by your description you should qualify.  Thank you.

Again I know the above is not a reply to me, but just telling you my story :)

I had all available modules, but for whatever reason they never showed up in my account, the old shop I think it was that had the button to click ti show you what you didn't own always showed nothing. I checked in my DAW and counted how many modules I had and it came to 54, take out the suite that makes 53. It was the same type of problem in Amplitube 5, I owned everything there was, but my account never reflected that, also I have things installed like the LMC which doesn't show up in the Product manager as installed, I think there might be 1 or 2 others in the same way.  Anyway, it only said I was able to get the €/$50 discount instead of the €/$100, I should have waited, but I don't have much of that in me:) I thought it would have taken ages to sort the issue out, so I just purchased T-RacKs 6 MAX and used my Jam Points which in the end brought it down lower than using the code would of. €/$10 lower roughly if memory serves.

After that seeing as Total Studio MAX 4 was on sale for €/$199 I thought I would just buy it so everything would be all tidied up. I didn't really get much out of Total Studio MAX4, I already owned everything nut a couple of those small EDM type things. But now everything is nice and neat and tidied up. T-RacKs 6 MAX, and Total Studio MAX 4, that's all I need worry about, everything is there. I'm  happy as a pig in mud, couldn't be happier. Now bring on the future :D

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I think IK's suite matches well overall with products like Waves. The only area I have a minor issue with is they seem to be CPU heavy in comparison to similar products. This has caused me to hesitate  to use across multiple tracks in larger projects. Has CPU efficiency been improved?

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On 9/6/2024 at 12:59 PM, IK Multimedia said:
On 9/5/2024 at 5:07 PM, Doug Rintoul said:

I have all the T-Racks 5 modules but I got a good portion of them via group buys. My discount is at the 25+ module level. So I am guessing that modules obtained via group buys don't count.

Group buy modules do count.  We have made improvements to the coupon implementation so you might want to try again but also let me and/or the team know if it still doesn't work.

I just did a recheck and found I have all but TASCAM Porta One and Teac A-6100 MKII. That still gives me 52 T-Rack plugins, but I am still only getting the TR6MAXUP50 coupon. 

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