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vocals distorting -SOLVED


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The vocals I recorded on a certain song were fine after I recorded them but are now distorting in a couple of areas.  They weren't distorting after I recorded them, but they do a little bit now here and there.   Does anyone know what would cause that?  

Edited by greg54
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Sorry, but I don't know what other info to give.

I have soloed it, which is how I discovered the issue.  I recorded it a while back and am in the process of mixing.

It seemed fine a couple of days ago, but when I soloed it to check it out, I heard some distortion.

I also had compression on the track but had to turn it way down from where I had it originally because it no longer sounded as clean.

I did not record it too hot, btw.

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Why I said you need to bypass all effects, ALL effects and then determine if the distortion is present in the RAW audio track by turning up the gain enough to hear it but without going into the red. 

Look at the wave forum in the spots where you hear it. does it have a flat top?  

It is possible to clip some types of Condenser mikes at the built in Pre Amp. Especially cheapo's. 

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