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'An Awkward Silence'

James G

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First thing I did was turn it up Nice and loud! I don't usually do that. It was a great listen all the way through.

Super musical, great ideas that lead somewhere. Nice changes of mood and voices. Lamb Lies Downesque.

The bit around 1:30 got kind of bottom-heavy in the mix, that rhythm guitar is overpowering anything sparkly up top. For me, anyway.

Drums hit all the spots very tastefully. Guitar solos and backing, just great!


Oh, fantastic arrangement. The ending was super cool.

This is one of your best I reckon . . .








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Thanks for sharing! Because of the nice lead playing and the somewhat "modular" format (section to section to section with repetition only within the sections) , it reminded me a bit of the Minibosses, a Boston-area band that used to play, believe it or not, prog-rocky covers of Nintendo Entertainment System games. Enjoyable stuff!


Thanks again for sharing!

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John - thanks!

Amicus - thanks very much

Tim - thank you, that's an interesting comparison, I'll have a listen and see if I can pick it out

Ed - thanks a lot, most kind

Tom - many thanks, I must admit I wasn't sure about this one until Preston added the drums, then it gelled. I did go a bit overboard on the low stuff

in the section you mentioned, probably didn't need the Hammond in there too

David - thanks!

Sean - thanks very much, another interesting comparison, never heard of that band. I need to work on connecting those modular sections a bit better

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OOOoooh just found this, I should have been the first to hear it ...   a s h a m e d of myself ?!  Anyway for my bit I feel it reminds me a bit of FOCUS but with guitar .. danno how just does, up to your tricks with those fingers James ... and although I felt the snare a tad high to my ears, still great stuff ?

SPAK ..... (My name is Steve though ?)

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Hey, James,

WOW! Way to kick things off on the new forum with a really cool, monster instrumental rocker!?

Spectacular guitar work, as always from you, I love the rich tones and the fiery playing.  Lots of really cool melodies, the keyboards are the perfect pad for the tasty guitar work, and Preston's playing and drums sound amazing, much like with our good old DT buddies.

The mix is clean, warm and fully textured with a perfect style for quality progressive rock like this.

Fantastic stuff, James, it's always great to hear a new one from you, and I'm looking forward to enjoying many more!

PS: (same note I left for our friend Yoyo), The night the old forum froze, I logged in one last time at 11:19pm to try to thank you, Yoyo, Daryl, Leadfoot and Bobby for the very kind shout outs and comments that you guys made earlier in the week, but LOL,? I guess I was 19 minutes late and a dollar short, because apparently it had already flipped to read-only at 11pm!  Anyway, sincere thanks again for the kind words and bump, and I'm looking forward to hearing much more new music from you over here!  I also just wanted to mention that you and Strummy were the very first two that were kind enough to welcome me to the old forum more than eleven years ago, and I truly still appreciate that, my friend!?

Have a great weekend, James!

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