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EastWest : Cinematic Percussion Bundle : $134.99 (73% OFF)


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At Audiodeluxe. The price is $149 on the product page and $134.99 in cart (with auto-discount).
Aditionally, you get $4.04 in Deluxe Bucks and IKM OBIE ONE as a free Plugin.

The Cinematic Percussion Bundle contains:

- Storm Drum 2 Pro Bundle
- Storm Drum 3
- Hollywood Fantasy Percussion


So far, the end date of this sale is not announced.




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I love these bundle deals they're doing, but this is a really weird selection of libraries. Why not put Storm Drum 1 instead of Hollywood Fantasy perc? I feel like I'll probably pick up the Fantasy perc as part of the Fantasy bundle at some point, so I don't want to pay for it right now in the form of this bundle. Kind of strange.


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3 hours ago, Promidi said:

Just hope you have a nice big SSD drive.

Stormdrum 2 12.5 gigabytes
Stormdrum 3 87 Gigabytes
Hollywood Fantasy Percussion 10 Gigabytes

109.5 Gigabytes all up.....

That's not that crazy for these types of orchestral percussion libraries.  Hanz Zimmer Pro is 131.9 GB

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So, maybe this isn't the right forum for my EastWest question, but does anyone really like EastWest sound samples? I haven't used it much but

  1. I've used their Hollywood Harp as a solo instrument and the samples are noisy. I strike a note, wait for the sample to decay, when it does a veil is lifted. I hadn't noticed the noise until it went away. Very distracting. It's not useable as a solo instrument (but probably fine in an ensemble).
  2. I've used their Hollywood Solo Violin as a solo instrument and the bowing length is not long enough (~1.5sec as best I can tell). But maybe this changes with velocity or bowing style/articulation. I don't know. Again, in an ensemble it may not make a difference, but it prevents me from getting a long decrescendo ending.

So, my 1st two EastWest trials haven't been very encouraging? Thoughts?

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Absolutely. I loooooove EastWest. 
Hollywood Orchestra and the newest Hollywood Strings 2 are my favorites for classical scoring, together with BBCSO. 
But I also love their other libraries, like the vocal ones (especially Soul and Backup Singers) and the incredibly inspiring instruments in Gypsy, Ghostwriter, Fab Four or Forbidden Planet. And of course the recent Fantasy Orchestra. All of them sublime with their Opus player. 


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As @Fleer said, much of the EastWest catalog is tip-top stuff.   Personally I love the divisi in the OG Hollywood Strings and the fact that Hollywood Brass goes LOUD.  Also, Spaces II is a superb convo reverb.  

I still haven't tried the singers yet but I'm looking forward to that.

And another vote for the OPUS player.

Unfortunately I would say Hollywood Solo Violin is probably the worst EW instrument I've tried by a long way (along with the solo cello) so while you've had a bad introduction there is still so much to love out there from them.

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10 hours ago, joeletters said:

As @Fleer said, much of the EastWest catalog is tip-top stuff.   Personally I love the divisi in the OG Hollywood Strings and the fact that Hollywood Brass goes LOUD.  Also, Spaces II is a superb convo reverb.  

I still haven't tried the singers yet but I'm looking forward to that.

And another vote for the OPUS player.

Unfortunately I would say Hollywood Solo Violin is probably the worst EW instrument I've tried by a long way (along with the solo cello) so while you've had a bad introduction there is still so much to love out there from them.

They were never good at this,

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