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I'm Baffled!



I've been dealing with a mystery.

I started working on a new project.  I have the free Kontakt player running two different instruments on separate channels,  Other than that I just run an audio track.  For some reason the audio track doesn't record!!  The routing is correct because I checked everything (Interface, routing channel in etc).  I even hear the channel in the headphones.  But when I arm the track for record and push the record button it doesn't lay it down on the track!!  I've spent literally an hour trying to figure this out with no answer.  I removed the Kontakt player on both channels, leaving just the audio track.  No joy!  But when I started a new project it works!!

Obviously there's something strange going on with just that particular project but I'm totally baffled as to what it could be.  Not that it's an emergency but I kept the defective project and I'd appreciate you help in figuring out what's going on with this.  So far I can only come to the conclusion that something in that project is corrupted but if someone can enlighten me to another possibility it could be a learning experience for me.


😀John B.

EDIT-  Sorry, this is in the wrong forum.  I wanted it in the Cakewalk by Bandlab forum.  Sorry for the triple post.  I was trying to correct a mistake.

Edited by Johnbee58
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10 answers to this question

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21 minutes ago, Johnbee58 said:

A vocal. Does it make a difference? If I snap my fingers it doesn't record that either.   Just in general the audio does not register to the track.



😄 It might if you were trying to record the soft synth's sounds.

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35 minutes ago, 57Gregy said:

Can you post a screen shot of the maximized audio track pane?
Does it happen on just that 1 audio track or other audio tracks in the same project?
Anyway, that is strange.

It happens on any audio track in the project.  If I add several new audio tracks it doesn't record on any of them.  If I delete and replace the replacement will not record.


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13 minutes ago, Mr No Name said:

Hello, do you have the input echo button pressed in?

I'm not there now but I'm pretty sure the  echo button is activated because I can hear the signal from the microphone in the headphones and the track it armed to record but when I press the record button and speak into the mic nothing is being printed to track whether I'm recording straight on or using Auto Punch.


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OK.  I solved it.  What was going on was there was a punch point several measures after the beginning.  I finally took notice of it after I restarted the project and saw the blue light on the punch button was activated.  I scrolled ahead and saw that sure enough, I had placed a punch in/out point further at measure 18.  After I deactivated the Auto punch it recorded fine.

Sorry to have wasted anybody's time. (embarrassed emojy)


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1 hour ago, Mr No Name said:

it's all a process of elimination.

What's really strange is that after all these years of using this it was staring me right in the face.  The Punch light was light blue which means it was active and dummy that I am I didn't even see it!  I have a tendency to be impatient and come to wrong conclusions frequently.  Again, I'm sorry for wasting the bandwidth here.  Thanks for all your time.

😀John B

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