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Lots of meter changes cause silent notes [Cured, but not solved]

John Deacon

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I'm working on a long piece with lots of meter changes. If I don't have them then it's very difficult to navigate. I need to relate a bar in the score with a bar in Cakewalk.

However, I noticed that a midi note (going to a choir VST - EastWest Symphonic Choir) wasn't sounding. And this applies to that note in all four choir section MIDI tracks. That one note is silent in all.  This occurs in playback and in export audio. I couldn't find any reason.

(If I select the note that isn't sound, with a left-click of the Smart Tool cursor, it sounds properly.)

So I started a fresh project from the same template and imported the MIDI tracks. All was fine. Then I imported (Copy/Special) the Meter/Key changes from the original project. Whole bunches of notes stopped sounding. Hit Undo - everything fine.

Any ideas?

Screenshot Meter-Key changes.jpg

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  • John Deacon changed the title to Lots of meter changes cause silent notes [Cured, but not solved]

Have you tried changing the buffer size? There's also a midi playback parameter worth increasing.
When you export have you tried using the real-time playback method/changing rate?

Does it happen if all other instruments are muted? What's your system load like? Any dropouts/overruns being displayed?

Are all your inputs routed correctly? Does the note have correct velocity?
Have you tried deleting/re-adding the note (seems silly but I've had to do that before now)

Happy if you want to send me the project to see if I get the same result - I don't have EastWest currently installed but if you say it's reproducible on other VST's then should be fairly easy to spot.

Edited by Matthew Simon Fletcher
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I'd tried all those except buffer sizes. I did try the buffer sizes just now - every buffer I could find - ASIO - MIDI - that wasn't it.

The routings are from a template that's been used many many times. I even tried starting afresh from the template. All to no avail.

The fix is deleting the final meter change. But no idea why. I tried other more normal meters (3/2, 3/4) at that bar and they worked. It just seems to be a time signature with a 1 underneath that glitches. It's not a huge problem. I've not some across those time signatures in any other places; just this irritating Vaughan Williams Fantasia on Christmas Carols; why on earth did he need 44 time signature changes!

I suspect this is a bug.

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