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Program Change via MIDI Remote


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Some help would be needed here... How could I get the patch change to respond to my program change impulse via MIDI Remote? (see photo 1)


[This is Solved now]  The MIDI command comes from my Touch-Portal MIDI controller (see photo 2). But it doesn't respond. (In Touch Portal MIDI Cha-4 is 5)


I can trigger almost anything with it (Touch Portal), but I can't get anywhere here. Can this perhaps be achieved using an RPN command? (see photo 3/4)



I found the following information on a MIDI page. Could do this the trick anyhow? (see foto 5).


And what do I need all this nonsense for? To trigger a preset change in a plugin

Sorry for nerving endlessly 😇

Edited by Astraios
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It's a VST3 plugin --> Blue  Cat Remote  Control

Hm, For some reason I don't know, it works marvelous  with the command chain from "Photo 2" (Touch Portal) without any problems today... Still, I don't really understand these RPN things... It is a great thing changing plugin presets by program change. Did do this never before...  Strange that it hasn't worked for the last few days   Thx for respond 😁



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