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Z3TA+ Synthesizer reborn in iOS


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In 2017, Cakewalk, formerly a Roland and then a Gibson brand, ceased operations. In the end, popular software products, including two great synths, Rapture and Z3TA+2, also went off the market.

This was also available for iOS. However, it was hardly maintained and disappeared when the operations were ceased in 2017. However, it has not vanished from iOS devices.

If you bought the Z3TA+ waveshaper Synthesizer back then, you can still download it from the App Store under the “Purchased Apps” section. I did that a few days ago and noticed it still works on my iPad with iPadOS/iOS 16.6 but without sound.

Cakewalk Z3TA+ iOS Trick

I did a little research on Z3TA+ to see any signs of a comeback under the Bandlabs brand. I didn’t find any news, but I came across a thread from the marvelous Audiobus forum that there is a little trick to make the app functional again with sound.

Take your iPad on a journey through time. Go to the Date & Time settings and set the device date to 31/12/2015 or earlier. I set it to 17.08.2015. 

Then restart the Z3TA+ app and select a preset. Voilà, the app makes a sound again. I played it for about an hour, and it ran 90% smoothly. There are a few bugs but no crashes – impressive for an app from 2017.

When you’ve jammed enough, remember to return the device to the current time; otherwise, services won’t work.

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7 hours ago, satya said:

Take your iPad on a journey through time. Go to the Date & Time settings and set the device date to 31/12/2015 or earlier. [...] When you’ve jammed enough, remember to return the device to the current time; otherwise, services won’t work.

If I were to go back to 2015, I doubt I would ever try to come back. Services, or not.

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1 hour ago, Jeremy Oakes said:

You can also use them in the synth rack.


The challenge with Sonar Producer is that it's outdated, and I prefer not to subscribe to any software. To access better features, I purchased a perpetual license from a competitor's product, as Cakewalk currently does not offer a non-subscription option.

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8 hours ago, GTsongwriter said:

The challenge with Sonar Producer is that it's outdated, and I prefer not to subscribe to any software. To access better features, I purchased a perpetual license from a competitor's product, as Cakewalk currently does not offer a non-subscription option.

Then why not use CbB ? Its free …………

Edited by Jeremy Oakes
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5 hours ago, GTsongwriter said:

Thought they changed that to Next and Sonar which requires Bandlab subscription?

The post below is what has been officially said. Read in particular the third paragraph. Also, maybe click the Like or Thanks button while you're there.


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2 hours ago, jesse g said:

I wonder If I am still able to download my Z3TA+ from the Cakewalk download server and install it to my PC for use with CbB or Studio One 6.6? 

Hmmm, Lemme see if that will work.  🤔

Yes, legacy products that were available as a download originally are still there on your account page at https://legacy.cakewalk.com/, or are otherwise available through the updated Command Center if downloaded there originally. 


On 8/20/2024 at 7:36 AM, Per Christian Frankplads said:

if someone on purpose made it stop producing audio, that's such an immoral move.

Apple updates frequently break lots of things. Z3TA+ for iOS hasn't been in development for a number of years, so there haven't been any updates to fix issues introduced with new updates for iOS. 

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I DID IT!!!  I was able to download  Z3TA+2.2 and install it onto my Computer.  when I tried to use it, a message came up and it said DEMO because  Z3TA+2.2 needs to be activated to use.  I then went to the Cakewalk Command Center website and downloaded the Command Center onto my computer and installed it.  I then opened Z3TA+2.2 and it worked in CbB and in Studio One 6.6.

I forgot how good it was. 👍



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