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Extra 10% Discount at Blue Cat Audio Plug-Ins

Scott R. Garrigus

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18 hours ago, smallstonefan said:

I was just about to click buy on the Plug'N Script. Thanks for saving me $10! :)

Plug'N Script is great, especially if you like to do some DIY sound making. But there's also a huge collection of scripts out there with ready made plug-ins. Be sure to check out some of the communities... there's a Facebook group and KVR forum that are pretty active. Check this Google search for a bunch of links including the GitHub repository of scripts... https://www.google.com/search?q=plug+n+script&oq=plug+n+script

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5 hours ago, smallstonefan said:

Hi Scott - long time no speak! 🌞

Thanks for the link. I have an idea for a chord exploration plugin that I think I can do with Plug 'N Script. If I can pull it off and it works I might have someone code it and release it. :)

Nice! Be sure to post about it when it's ready on one of the Plug discussion areas.

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Scott - here's what I'm dreaming of - maybe you know of something that does this?

I am a guitar player not a keyboard player. I can bang out things but really can't play or easily find interesting chord voicings. As I write songs I know the key and the chords but I struggle creating keyboard parts (chords mostly) that are deep and interesting. Here's what I'm envisioning.

1. You choose a key.

2. Zone 1: an octave section for the left hand. The note is latching - whatever the last key you pressed is that root of any chords that get played.

3. Zone 2: 1 to 2 octaves for the left hand. Each note would be a chord voicing. Probably from least complex to most complex. 

Say I have an Am spot in a song and I want a great keyboard chord. I could press the A key with the left hand to latch and play only A chords. Say I choose Am for the key - then all chord voicings will be minor. I could just press a single key the right hand to try out different chord voicings. The plugin will output the full voicing keys so you do this so you can record the output chord to a midi track for further editing.

I had hoped Cthulhu would do something like this but it's different.


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13 hours ago, smallstonefan said:

Thanks guys - none of these are what I'm dreaming about or solutions for my specific problem.

If I get something working I'll let you know! :)

Yeah, that's what I thought, but wasn't sure. Definitely let us know. I have Plug'n'Script as well, but haven't delved deep enough yet to offer any advice about scripting.

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