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Disregard. Solved. Problem with Vocal Comping - Enter Key Doesn't Promote


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Figured it out. Pls disregard the post.  Would delete if I knew how.

I am trying out vocal comping in Cakewalk for the first time. I watched an excellent video by Mike at Creative Sauce on how to do this. 

Everything he showed works for me except, when I decide which "take" I want to keep for a particular phrase, he (and the Cakewalk documentation) said to hit the "enter" key while that take is selected and it will be promoted.  When I do that, it doesn't promote the take; it just plays the song; the same as if I had hit the spacebar or clicked on the Play button. The main track still contains the last take recorded.  (That's with playback stopped when I hit the enter key. If I hit the enter key while the take is playing, it stops playback; the same as if I had hit the space bar.)   The enter key seems to be acting as a play/stop toggle.

I checked to see if sometime in the past I had assigned the spacebar as a keyboard shortcut for "play", but didn't find that to be the case.

Any suggestions?  Thanks.

Edited by dalemccl
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