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Copy Clip Automation workaround?



If there is a way to copy clip automation to a new clip, that's really what I want to know, but I think it can't be done. So here's my scenario:

I have a 30 minute audio clip with a gain envelope on it containing about 50 nodes which even out volume in lots of places. I now have a new source audio file which is mostly the same but it has some minor changes in it. The gain clip envelope still applies, however. What I want to do is replace the original clip with the new audio but retain the painstakingly-crafted gain clip envelope.

My understanding (now, <sniff>)  is that you can't copy clip envelopes. Which is a real drag, not only for the above scenario, but also because only with clip envelopes do I get real-time waveform feedback, which for a long file like this is essential to be able to pick out the audio spikes that need repair. Track automation envelopes don't do this. Which is why I used a clip envelope in the first place.

And if the answer is I have to manually create a new clip envelope on the new audio track, sigh, so be it. However, it's likely yet another version of the original audio will need to be used and I'll have to go through this all over again.


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