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Have Instrument Title Bar show track name?

Salvatore Sorice

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Not sure if this is controlled by Sonar / Cakewalk, the Instrument itself, Windows(?) - but it would be great if the Title Bar of inserted VSTs would display the Track Name - the way inserted FX plugins do.

In this example, the FAST Verb plugin shows the track it is on (Track 1, named Rhythm in this case).

But the Kontakt and UJAM instruments just show a generic name of the plugin (Kontakt 7 1 and VG-Sparkle2 1).

If I add another Kontakt instance it will be named Kontakt 7 2, etc.

This seems to be the case with all inserted instruments, as I see it with Kontakt, UJAM, Musio, Pianoteq, etc.

Anyone with programming knowledge that can shed some light on this?



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FX plugins can only be inserted on to a single track, which is why the track name can be displayed.

Synths can be "fed" from multiple tracks - i.e. I could have 16 or more MIDI tracks feeding a single synth instance, along with the audio track that it is fed to.  This is why a track name isn't displayed.

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3 hours ago, msmcleod said:

FX plugins can only be inserted on to a single track, which is why the track name can be displayed.

Synths can be "fed" from multiple tracks - i.e. I could have 16 or more MIDI tracks feeding a single synth instance, along with the audio track that it is fed to.  This is why a track name isn't displayed.

Thanks @msmcleod! Very clear explanation for all of us non-programmers :^)

I've resorted to appending something to each track to help keep things organized.


In the screenshot I posted above I'd name the Rhythm track "Rhythm_Ktk71" and the UJAM Guitar might be "SparkleGuitar_21"

Any other naming convention ideas are welcomed!

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