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Sonar makes a very loud noise on stop or pause

Martin Schiff

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I am working on a project in Sonar that has a track with Unify, which contains three tracks of Kontakt 7 from "The Orchestra Complete" from Sonuscore.

When I hit the stop or pause button, a loud noise occurs. It sounds like someone hit a piano with their fist, but there are no piano sounds in the project.  If I mute the track, it does not happen.

The project has only a single track.

The same thing occurs in CBB. 

-- Martin

Edited by Martin Schiff
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I just added the three tracks of Kontakt 7 with the same sounds as above on separate Kontakt tracks, and it works fine with no loud noise. 

Must be a problem with Unify and Kontakt 7. I will follow up with them. I also noticed that the Kontakt sounds were much quieter with Unify.

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