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Waiting For The End


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Inventive and cool in the lyrics department. Love that "U2" style guitar break, but your vocal compilations give it a full originality.

Listening on headphones, I wanted a bit more width in the mix, especially in the first couple of minutes. Later on, the panning seems to fill out a bit wider. Perhaps that's my imagination?

Just love the originality of this. Authentic songwriting methinks.




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What a catchy and clever tune!  Your vocals stand out in this, and they're almost always my favorite part of your songs.  I would like to hear a bit more low end in this mix, but I can live with it as is.  Besides U2, I hear a little REM, too.  Can't wait to hear your next song!

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Hey, James, Great to see you over here on the shiny, new Cakewalk forum!?

You've got a killer good, punchy pop rocker with a really cool mid 80's retro vibe!

I'm on my second listen.  The writing, arrangement and performances are all top notch, I love the delay soaked guitar tones and cool solo, and your vocals and harmonies are absolute dynamite on this!

The mix sounds clean and punchy with a cool, crisp 80's sound.

Fantastic, as usual James, another kicker from Factory Yoyo!

PS: The night the old forum froze, I logged in one last time at 11:19pm to try to thank you, James G, Daryl, Leadfoot and Bobby for the very kind shout outs and comments that you guys made earlier in the week, but LOL, I guess I was 19 minutes late and a dollar short,? because apparently it had already flipped to read-only at 11pm!?   Anyway, sincere thanks again, and I'm looking forward to hearing more great new music from you here on the new place!

Have a Rockin' Weekend, James!

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