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How export audio with tempo mapping changes

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Hell everyone I am new to cakewalk, I have a recording of guitar and I don't know it's tempo so I created a tempo mapping by dragging it to the timeline. The problem is, it sounds better in cakewalk, when played along with metronome. but when exported it out it's the same thing as the original. It was a long recording and I don't wanna do it manually for days. Does anyone have any suggestions 

Edited by bharathchandranaik Sapavat
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My assumption from what you posted is that you want the audio to be time adjusted to be more consistent?  If so then the below are some ways to adjust the audio's tempo. If you just want to know the audios temp then the drag into the timeline should give you that information. However, it won't change the audio at all just make Cakewalk's tempo and metronome follow closer to the audio track.


Dragging the audio to the timeline creates a tempo map that matches the original dragged audio. If you want the audio to match a different temp you have to edit the audio to match the desired tempo.  

You can edit with audio snap, http://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=AudioSnap.01.html

You can have the audio automatically stretch to tempo by enabling groove clip looping for the audio clip. http://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Looping.09.html

Or you can chop up the audio where it is needing timing changes and time stretch or move each audio event to match the desired temp. Then select all clips and bound to clip.


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