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Rock Cover of Gary Numan's 80s Synth Classic Cars - Improved and Remixed


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A few years ago -- during the pandemic -- my son was enrolled in driving school, but he ended up not completing the course. At the time, the pandemic inspired me to attempt to play music again, two decades after tendinitis stopped me from being able to play professionally or even at all for more than a few minutes without pain. So, I thought I'd try playing really simple songs, and Gary Numan's Cars would be appropriate and amusing. As my son finally completed his driving lessons, took his driving test, and received his driver's license yesterday, I thought it would be appropriate to go back to this song and make some improvements. I significantly modified the drums and added a compressor. I brought up the vocal -- something I'm usually reluctant to do because I don't have a very good voice (but it works on this song). I changed the overall mix a bit and brought up a couple of the synths and added a small part that I think helps the song. Anyhow, I think the result is a much better version of the cover. But I'll let you be the judge. I welcome your advice on the mix and any constructive criticism.  


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I really enjoyed this one Peter. This is a song that I've loved since it came out and you've done a great cover. With today's vocal processing, your voice sounds fine! It was a good idea to go up when you sang "cars", it drew me into the song.

Mix-wise I really liked your drumming, but wasn't entirely happy with the sound, particularly the kick. Was this a close-mic'd kit? Or electronic?

I did like the ending, if that was what you were referring to as a change, since I didn't hear the original mix.

Thanks for sharing!


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