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Hot Key Combo to open a specific plug-in?


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So I'm using an iCon P1-M and it's working well. I did post about the EQ "button" iCon/Sonar has assigned not totally working correctly (more like not being able to fully access it on the P1-M) but that could be a limit of the MCU protocol.

In any event...I'm thinking of adding a Rocksolid Audio Micro4K SSL Controller for controlling EQ and Dynamics. Now...Rocksolid uses it's own VST3 wrapper to map against certain plug-ins.

I don't currently own one so much of my thoughts are conjecture but I'm wondering if there's a way I can assign a hotkey to insert and/or open/close a particular vst plug-in? Of I could program a key combo to open the Rocksolid's VST3 wrapper plug-in...I could probably assign that function into the iCon controller. Now, if that can be done, I'm not sure how the Rocksolid Micro4k controller now knows to be focused on the current open window. I "think" the wrapper has a bunch of pre-mapped plugins that you've mapped and you have to choose which plug-in will now pull up in the plug-in once it's opened. So...if you have 5 different SSL plugins from different vendors you'd open the wrapper VST3 first and THEN choose which EQ it pulls up. Also...would be AWESOME if the SEL track on the P1-M would focus BOTH the iCon controller AND the Micro4K but I think I may be WAY overshooting on that.

All this to say I'm trying to force my current/future rig to mimic all these new SSL controllers. They are pretty fancy for sure.


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