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On Line Documentation . . . No Images

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I dont think this is a 'Me' issue as I've tried on multiple  PC's and browsers ..... but who knows ????

The online documentation  has no images in it  ..... sort of


There's a place holder where the image should be  and if you right click and select 'Load Image' option nothing happens but if you select the 'Open in New Tab' option the image is downloaded and displayed

As Marvin Gaye sang .... 'What's Going On'


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Which Browser?

Cakewalk’s documentation page is accessed via a secure page (starting with https).   The images themselves are not hosted on that actual page.  The images are hosted on an http page (sans 's') .

Most modern browsers will not display components if the parent page is hosted on an https page and the content in linked to an external http address.

What you need to do is adjust your browser to allow mixed content. (http ant https)

Here are some instructions that covers most modern browsers.


Note: On my Firefox, when I go to Cakewalk’s online help, images are displayed correctly.  With my Firefox (in about:config), instead of setting "security.mixed_content.block_active_content" to False, I have set "security.mixed_content.upgrade_display_content.image" to false instead.  That way, it affects images only.

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