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Is there a way to apply separate inserts to left and right in a single track fx chain, like the splitter feature in studio one?

Scott Kendrick


Trying to replicate a mix I have in studio one where one send I apply stereo delay, then a slight detune with different values on left and right, then eq the combined channel. In studio one, I used the splitter and applied different pitch shift to the left and right. I don't think Cakewalk does this but maybe I"m wrong. Thinking about work arounds - I was going to try Waves Studio Rack (I guess it's now studo verse). Was hoping not to buy a plugin that has separate left and right detuning. Don't want to do two separate left and right sends/fx channels.

Any other suggestions? Kiloheart multipass only does frequency bands as best I can tell, not left and right.

It does look like Studio Verse will do this.


Edited by Scott Kendrick
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