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Welcome to the Cakewalk Next forum

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It was only a matter of time before we would introduce Cakewalk Next to the Cakewalk forums! The purpose here is to provide a discussion compliment to the Discord discussion group that has been in place for a while now.  A recurring Cakewalk theme is that of project continuity, allowing users to migrate work between Cakewalk Sonar, Cakewalk Next and BandLab Studio, so it makes sense to nurture discussions of all Cakewalk products under a single umbrella.

We don't view Cakewalk Next as being a mutually exclusive to other DAWs and invite you to try it out, even if you're a dyed in the wool classic DAW user. There are times when you may be more focused on creation than engineering, in which case you may find it well suited for the job at hand. While there's a lot to like about Cakewalk Next UX, it has a performant audio system and a sophisticated mixing elegance that could make it a lot of fun for the mix engineering mindset as well!

Obviously you'll find updates and news about Cakewalk Next here, but we also look forward to the great discussions  that lie ahead!

~The Bakers

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