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Did the Waves Central "Update" break Cakewalk by Bandlab?

Kevin White

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I try to open projects that opened not but a couple months ago, and some Wavs plugs throw errors now, and upon opening the projects, Cakewalk decides to take it ball, go home, and close. 

I've tried to open everything in safe mode, and it's still just closing.

I don't even know where to begin fixing this. Things have gotten quite absurd.

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I did all the upgrades to Waves Central - including the licensing and reinstall of all the plugs. 

Perhaps I need to make sure those new plugs are in the right VST folders that are being scanned?

Geez what a mess as all the companies try to switch to vampirish subscription models. 

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1 hour ago, Glenn Stanton said:

you probably want to run the clear cache function on the Waves central and do a fresh install. generally i've haven't had a significant issue with Waves for 5 years or more. and the support is usually fast to get back to you.

+1. When I've had problems with Waves updates, I just follow the instructions on their website on what to do. There are repair and clear functions that work very well. And at least in my experience, and the experience of others I know, Glenn is right about Waves support. 

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17 hours ago, Glenn Stanton said:

you probably want to run the clear cache function on the Waves central and do a fresh install.

I had not updated to V15 yet so I had a go just now. I got installation errors until I executed  Clear Cache in Settings as suggested above (and also by the Waves support page for "Installation failed – Please check your internet connection"). All seems fine with existing projects after updating and re-activating licenses.

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honestly, i forgot to do all the prep stuff i did for the v14 from v12 updates and just ran the v15 updates (5 plugins (out of ~70) are still v11 or v14)  when finished, i did a reboot (always after a massive updates on my system regardless) and then ran the plugin scans on Sonar, Next, Komplete Kontrol, Acoustica, RX, Ozone, Sound Forge etc. and weirdly not a single one reported a problem with the Waves stuff! LOL. Acoustica flagged the instruments as not being FX (like usual).

one note: during a load of a Sonar project after the update, i go a toaster notification the settings for the H-Delay Stereo might not be set correctly - when i checked - they were set correctly but i think the new split channel on the Stereo version meant Sonar had some gaps from the previous version when reloading the project settings. i opened up a bunch more projects just to check and did not see this warning again and all settings were correct as set previously.

Edited by Glenn Stanton
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I have found a couple times now (and I'd forgotten until going through it again with v15) simply WAITING caused the issues with Waves plugin disappearances!  I don't mean waiting for Cakewalk's apparent scanning as it shows, either,  just literally leaving and coming back in half an hour.  It is as if the apparent scanning is not the only thing going on and perhaps, as I see the cache mentioned above, cache cleaning happens "too" late compared to the user's actions - not saying that's what it is, just saying that's "as if."  I don't claim to know why, specifically.  I just know doing nothing actually works better than screwing around with it from the last 2 Waves updates.

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